Membership Meeting
This week, ATU International President John Costa joined more than 500 strikers, elected officials, and other supporters on the picket lines and at a rally outside of contract talks today at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Toronto. After the rally, Costa and rally attendees escorted the Union’s negotiating team to the room where contract talks with Metrolinx were set to begin.
“Our members stood strong and united throughout this process. Metrolinx tried to divide us,” said Local 1587 President Rob Cormier. “This strike shows that our members are willing to lay it all on the line for justice. I want to thank the elected officials, all our allies, and our International for coming out and standing with us.”
The new contract addresses the Union’s safety concerns by ensuring that experienced and highly trained workers remain on the job and includes critical language that would protect GO Transit jobs from being contracted out. Although the deal capped wage increases at 1% subject to Bill 124, the Union was able to agree to a wage reopener if Bill 124 is reversed.
“The privatization of our most vital services like public transit is wrong,” said ATU International President John Costa. “These private companies win contracts with false promises of saving money and improving service, but end up slashing workers’ wages and cutting service, leaving riders behind.”
“I am proud of our GO Transit members. On the picket lines and rallies, I saw firsthand their strength, unity, and solidarity,” Costa continued. “The result was a strong contract that recognizes the commitment and dedication of these frontline heroes to provide safe and reliable transportation for our riders who rely on GO Transit. Our members now have a pathway to the middle class for the essential public service they provide. It was an honor to hold the line with you. We are ‘Stronger Together!”